Who We Are

    Buddhist Mindfulness Center is a woman run (501c 3) non-profit organization, founded in February 2020. We strive with an initiative to promote liberty, equality, and fraternity through the Buddha’s spiritual and scientific teachings. It is to nurture an individual's mindfulness towards the path to peace, happiness, and human welfare.

Our Vision

    Our vision is to create individual consciousness, and enlightenment through the Buddha’s teachings, and to promote equality, liberty, and fraternity for all beings.

Our Mission

    Free social order has two essentials fundamentals. The first is that the individual is an end in himself and that the aim and object of society is the growth of the individual and the development of his personality.
    Why individual must be the end not the means of all social purposes, it’s because when we say that man is a person, we do not mean merely that he is an individual, in the sense that an atom or an elephant is an individual. Man is an individual who holds himself in hand by his intelligence and his will’ he exists not merely in a physical fashion. He has spiritual super-existence through knowledge and love, so that he is, in a way, a universe in himself, a microcosm, in which the great universe in it’s entirety can be encompassed through knowledge. By love, he can give himself completely to beings who are to him, as it were, other-selves. For this relation, no equivalent can be found in the physical world. Spirit is the root of personality. The notion of personality thus involves that of totality and independence, no matter how poor or crushed a person may be, he is a whole, and as a person subsistent in an independent manner. To say that a man is a person is to say that in the depth of his being he is more a whole than apart and more independent than servile. It is to say that he is a minute fragment of matter that is at the same time a universe, a beggar who participates in the absolute being, mortal flesh whose value is external, and a bit of straw into which heaven enters. The value of the person, his dignity and rights, belong to the order of things naturally sacred which bear the imprint of the Father of Being, and which has in him the end of their movement.
    The second essential is that the terms of associated life between members of society must be founded on the norms of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
    Why is Equality essential? The term Equality is unfortunate, but no other word can be found as a substitute. Equality means ‘exactly the same or equivalent in the measure, amount, number, degree, value, or quality. It is a term exact enough in physics and mathematics, but obviously who have gone deepest into the subject is that human beings possess, in degree and kind, fundamental characteristics that are common to humanity. Whether these characteristics be called primordial qualities, biological necessities, residues or any other name matters little. It is easy to point out inequalities in physical strength, artistic skill, material wealth, or mental capacity, but this too is a matter of emphasis. In the end, it remains a fact that fundamental characteristics appear in all human beings. Their nature and manifestations are summed up in the phrase ‘moral equality’. Emphasis must be placed on the term ‘moral’. The Declaration of Independence does not assert that all men are equal, it proclaims that they are ‘created’ equal. In essence, the phrase ‘moral equality’ asserts in ethical value, a belief to be sustained, and recognition of rights to be respected. Its validity cannot be demonstrated as a problem in mathematics can be demonstrated. It is asserted against inequalities in physical strength, talents, industry, and wealth. It denied that superior physical strength has a moral right to kill or oppress human beings merely because it is superior. To talents and wealth, the idea of moral equality makes a similar denial of right. And indeed dew can imagine themselves to have superior physical strength, talents and wealth will withhold from inferiors all moral rights. When the last bitter word of criticism has been uttered against the deal of moral equality, there remains something in it which all, except things, must accept and in practice do accept, despite their sheers and protests, A society without any respect for human personalities is a band of robbers.
    Why fraternity is essential? Fraternity is the name for the disposition of an individual to treat men as the object of reverence and love and the desire to be in unity with his fellow beings. Fraternity strengthens social ties and gives to each individual a stronger personal interest in practically consulting the welfare of others. It leads him to identify his feelings more and more with their good, or at least with an even greater degree of practical consideration for it. With a disposition to the fraternity, he comes as though instructively to be conscious of himself as being one who of course pays regard to others. The good of others becomes to him a thing naturally and necessarily to be attended to like any of the physical conditions of our existence. Where people do not feel that entireness of sympathy with all others, concordance in the general direction of their conduct is impossible. For a person in whom social feeling is not developed cannot but bring himself to think of the rest of his fellow-beings as rivals struggling with him for the means of happiness when he must endeavor to defeat in order that he may succeed in himself.
    Why liberty is essential? Liberty falls under two classes. There is civil liberty and political liberty. Civil liberty refers to Liberty of movement is not only fundamental but is also most essential.
    Liberty of speech which may be called freedom of opinion is important for many reasons. It is a necessary condition of all progress intellectual, moral, political, and social. Where it does not exist the status quo becomes stereotyped and all originality even the most necessary is discouraged.
    Liberty of action means doing what one likes to do. It is not enough that liberty of action should be formal. It must be real, So understood, liberty of action means effective power to do specific things. There is no freedom where there is no means of taking advantage of it. Real liberty of action exists only where exploitation has been annihilated, where no suppression of one class by another exists.
    Political liberty consists of the right of the individual to share in the framing of laws and in the making and unmaking of governments. Political liberty is really a deduction from the principle of human personality and equality. For it implies that all political authority is derived from the people that the people are capable of directing and controlling their public as well as private lives to ends determined by themselves and by none else.
    Once the sacredness of human personality is admitted the necessity of liberty, equality and fraternity must also be admitted as the proper climate for the development of human personality.
    Buddhism teaches Prajna (understanding as against superstition and supernaturalism). It teaches Karuna (love). It teaches Samata (equality). This is what man wants for a good and happy life on earth.
    BMC will mark the beginning of a great movement that will result in the emancipation of people and the establishment of such a state of society with one man will have one value in all domains of life social, political, and economic.
    BMC is a mission to establish liberty, equality, and fraternity through The Buddha’s scientific and spiritual teachings to nurture an individual’s mindfulness towards the path to peace, happiness, and human welfare by means of setting up seminaries, viharas, training centers, and meditation centers.