Covid-19 India Relief Fundraiser


The COVID-19 outbreak is causing havoc all over India. The number of cases have gone up exponentially in a very short span of time specially all over Maharashtra state in India. The hospitals and medical facilities are beyond capacity, running out of oxygen and intensive care beds. Every hospital has a waiting list of patients to get admitted to have lifesaving care available. Many of them are dying  because of lack of the basic medical needs and facilities.

Buddhist Mindfulness Center has step up and taken responsibility to contribute in the relief effort by joining hands with the local non-profit organizations like Eagle Foundation, Dyandeep shikshan prasarak mandal.
These local organization are leading the effort by providing the basic medical care facilities like:

  • providing medicines, arranging Oxygen cylinders, PPE Kit, Ventilators
  • providing help with hospital sanitization, deep cleaning services
  • providing help with medical equipments such as ECG, X-ray, blood pressure, monitoring machines, etc
  • cover expenses for the payments of local staff including Nurses and Doctors

We would like urge each and every one to donate in this dire situation with whatever amount possible, Here is how you can donate:

Please use the below links to donate:


For Direct Deposit:

Bank- TD Bank

Account # 4376841354

Rounting# 031201360